Day 2460 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Corinthians 5:20 NIV

As Christians we have a message to share that every single person needs to hear. It's a message that will inevitably bring resentment and strife. It will cause friction as it goes against the things that our world is built upon. It will mean that we'll be hated by many because this messages is one that makes people aware of their sins and mistakes. But even if it means our death, we cannot fail to make sure people know the truth.

The problem that we run into in sharing the Gospel is that people don't want to hear it. Nobody enjoys hearing that they're wrong. In fact, just look at the state of our society today. There are such expansive divides between different groups that there is very little hope of any future reconciliation. Folks are adamant that their ways and opinions and version of the truth are right and that everyone that disagrees with them is just plain wrong. And they will absolutely fight to maintain that level of complacency.

So when we come along and share this message that tells everyone that they're wrong and need to address their sins and repent of their ways, it's only common sense to see that they're not going to be too fond of us at first. Many will never come to terms with the truth, with God's truth because it's simply too blatant and forces us to reconsider our choices and change our ways. Definitely not something very many are interested in anymore.

But alas, our message and our mission remains unchanged. To spread the Good News of the coming of our Lord and Savior. To proclaim the name of Christ from one end of the earth to the other and back again. To stand up to the evil and tyranny that have blinded people to the truth of sin and the freedom we have in Christ alone. To ensure that people know that there is nothing in this world that is worth chasing, serving, or prioritizing.

So let come what may. Bring on the hate. Bring on the strife. Bring the judgement and pain and persecution. This place cannot do anything to us because this is not our home and these lives are not the end of the story. Whatever we may endure here lasts only a moment in the grand scheme of eternity. But anything we do to further His kingdom while we're here has meaning that will never fade in importance.

Folks, this world and the lies we've been fed convince us that this place is all there is and that we may as well live it up and throw caution out the door while we're here. But no amount of lies or carefully crafted deception will ever change the truth about responsibility, the difference between right and wrong, and the very real dangers of running wild and living carefree. We've all been there and done that. Now that we've learned the truth, it's on us to help rescue people from that hollow existence as well.

We are Christ's ambassadors in a place that doesn't want us or our message. But living in fear only leads to regret. And we simply can't afford to let fear keep us from telling others the truth and pouring ourselves fully into this task of helping save people. There is only a small window of time left before Christ makes His triumphant return. Nobody knows when that time is but it's undoubtedly growing closer. Don't risk waiting a second too long to get right with God. When that gate closes there are no more chances.


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