Day 2462 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 36:2 NIV

I've said a few times in recent posts that as Christians the odds are against us in this world. Read the verse above again and you will probably be able to tell why I've said that so much and why it's so true. So many people have built themselves up into these perfect specimens that have no flaws, no weaknesses, no issues, no problems. And telling them otherwise is like trying to convince a fish that it can fly.

There was actually a survey done recently that asked people who was the best person they knew. 46% said themselves! Nearly half of the people in this study said that they were better than everyone around them. Friends, ego isn’t a problem. It’s a pandemic!

Needless to say, our mission to share the truth of the Gospel is going to be met with a whole lot of resentment and hatred from those who have fallen for lies. As we've talked about several times before, people do not want to hear that they're wrong. That kind of thing is just about the quickest way to start an argument that I can think of. It's like it instantly puts people on defensive mode because they have to protect this fragile image that they've created.

The issue is that people have spent so long patting themselves on the back and sweeping their flaws under the rug that they've become convinced that they don't need any help. They're convinced that they're perfect, have never messed up, and therefore don't need to be forgiven or repent of anything. It's hard to convince someone of the truth when they've settled for the extreme comfort that lies offer.

Tearing through the walls of sin and selfishness can be nearly impossible because it requires people to be willing to consider the possibility that they're not perfect. It needs a heart that is open to the truth and not simply blinded by lies and deceit. But that kind of thing is called humility, and well, that's definitely a dying thing in our world today. Arrogance and pride are far more interesting because they bring this sense of power that people just love.

So we are against tremendous odds on this journey. We're here to try and open the eyes of people to a truth that goes against what they find comfortable. We're carrying a message that requires people to lower their opinions of themselves and accept this idea that everything they've done and believed may not be right. For some that will never happen. But we have to keep trying for those who aren't completely convinced that they're perfect.

Telling a world that loves, celebrates, and lavishes in sin that sin is wrong is going to go over like a lead balloon. It's just not something that some will ever want to hear or consider because it reveals the fractures in their armor and the mistakes in the picture perfect life that they're painted for others to see. But still our mission remains the same. And we can't be afraid of hurting feelings or offending people because the truth will always do both.

This place will try to silence anyone and everyone that goes against the sinful status quo. That means you and me. But it doesn't matter. We're not here to please those around us and allow them to remain comfortable in the lies that sin has made them believe. We're here to help break through that nonsense so that the light of Christ can pour in and do its work.

We know that sin has nothing good to offer whatsoever. And we're passing through a world that doesn't see it that way. But just remember that the truth is going to stand undefeated forever. And while we may lose some battles and maybe even some friends along the way because we share that truth, we may help save some folks at the same time. And really, that's all that will ever matter!


  1. A dangerous place to be when we see ourselves bigger than we are. We can't get where we want to go without being humble. We learn from Jesus and if we know it all, what can we learn.

    1. Perfectly said!! We get so big on ourselves that we block out the truth that we need help. We forget that we're not perfect. We forget that we don't know everything. And as you said, what can we learn when we get to that point? Humility opens doors that arrogance only nails shut. It will always be better to let Him lift us up than to try and build it ourselves!


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