Day 2463 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
2 Corinthians 4:4 NIV
It's easier for people to believe lies than to accept the truth. That's just the way that it is, and that way it will be until Christ returns and shatters the comfort that lies offer. There's this light in the truth that is uncomfortable for anyone who has skeletons that they're still trying to hide. So it's no wonder that so many choose to remain lost in the dark instead of stepping into the light and laying everything out for all to see.
This is one of those verses that again has this eternal truth that applies just as much today as it did when it was written. Lies, deception, delusion, arrogance, pride, popularity, greed, you name it and our society is still serving it. All of those evil, selfish, and wicked things have been popular since a couple of folks picked an apple that they should have left alone. And that wickedness is a virus that infects the very heart of every single person.
And that's hard to admit. It's hard to accept. It’s far more uncomfortable than hanging out in the shadows and concealing our flaws and mistakes. Which is exactly what sin tells us we need to do. It makes us feel ashamed of ourselves which only makes us want to hide even more. It’s this vicious cycle that only continues spiraling downward until we finally hit rock bottom and realize that sin and shame aren’t as light-hearted and fun as our world makes them out to be.
The devil is the god of this age and he will do anything and everything it takes to keep people from seeing the truth and being saved by it. Sin is sold as freedom that appeals to the deepest desires in our twisted hearts. Wickedness is celebrated by the masses and sold as acceptable and fun. Evil has become a game that many play without considering the costs or consequences. Things like popularity, success, and wealth are all just more tools used to keep people focused in the wrong directions rather than on what really matters.
I know that biting the bullet, admitting our guilt, and crawling to Christ like the hopeless heathens we’ve been is not easy. It goes against everything we’ve lived for and believed. It confronts the lies that make our hearts comfortable and forces us to realize that we have been wrong. What makes it even harder is living in a place that tells us we don’t have to. This world tells us that everything is okay as long as it makes us feel good or brings us some happiness. So why question that?
Why look a gift horse in the mouth as my mom always says? Because if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Not everything is okay. Not every choice we make is the right one. Not everything our hearts desire is right, healthy, acceptable, or righteous. In fact, we’ve all gotten more wrong than we’ve ever gotten right. Sin is sold as this kind of freedom that allows us to do literally anything we can imagine without having to worry about the consequences. But nothing works like that. Everything has consequences, and we can’t afford to believe otherwise.
Friends, it’s time to wake up. Sin isn’t okay. This isn’t a game. There are things like consequences and responsibility. And no, they’re not as much fun as running wild and living like nothing matters. But we cannot afford to remind blind to the truth because doing so also keeps us blinded to the gift we’ve been offered. Freedom isn’t found in doing whatever we want to do. It’s found in the undeserved forgiveness we’ve been offered for all the wrongs we’ve done. It just takes a little more meekness to see it.
Please don’t stay blind to God’s truth. Yeah, it’s gonna hurt. It should! It should light a fire inside of us that pushes us to do far better than we’ve done in the past. It should open our eyes to the sins and mistakes we’ve made and help us understand the price those choices carry. Lies will always be more comfortable in this place. But that comfort will turn to chains if we don’t do something about it now and turn to the only One who can save us from ourselves.
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