Day 2466 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 1:5 NIV

As always, I reckon it's about time for a few thankful verses to celebrate this week's upcoming holiday. I'm thankful that God doesn't look down and see us as the lost causes that we often times see ourselves as. I'm thankful that He still sees what we can become if we're only willing to lay ourselves down and let Him take over and lead the way from here.

Let's just all be brutally honest with ourselves for a second: We all lack wisdom! We all make poor choices. We all say and do things without thinking them through beforehand. We all allow our emotions to dictate our actions more than we should. We all jump to conclusions and make rash decisions before we have all the facts. We all have plenty of room to learn!

Sure, that's one of those things that hurts a bit to admit. But what hurts worse: Admitting that we have room to improve or spending our entire lives running away from that fact and never come close to experiencing our full potential? That's an easy one if you ask me. But I also understand that for some, ease and comfort will always outweigh effort and perseverance. I just wanted to remind everyone that we don't have to just settle for good enough.

Personally, I think the ability to learn and to discover our weaknesses is one of the greatest gifts there is. I like to think of it as God's little ways to remind us that He has more in store for us than we can imagine. And that He created us for more than what we've found so far. It's a goal that has no firm finish line. It's always moving, always growing, always broadening. Knowledge, wisdom, learning from God, and improving ourselves through His truth and guidance are things that we can do every single day of our lives!

So we should be thankful that God has opened this door to unlimited potential to learn and grow. It's almost like He wants us to continually be improving and growing toward Him. What an idea! But in all seriousness, the fact that He has never given up on us even though we've all done some really stupid things is a true blessing. The hope of knowing that He can still show us to something better than anything we've found so far is amazing.

Friends, take Him up on that offer. Ask Him for wisdom. Ask Him to help you learn and grow and mature and get better at this life of faith thing. We never have to settle for who we are, where we've been, or what we've done. There is always the opportunity to do something new, to do something better. And while settling for good enough may be good enough for some, it just doesn't have the same excitement as wondering what God still has to show us up ahead.

Don't miss out on the chance to grow in Him. It's the best thing that we could ever choose to start doing. And it's something that we can continue doing forever! After all, what could be more exciting than learning from the Creator of everything?


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