Day 2470 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 3:20 NIV

I'm thankful that this world is not our home. I'm thankful that this part of our journey doesn't last forever. I'm thankful that there is something better still to come. This is something that I've felt for a while now and it's only growing deeper as we move forward toward the impending unknowns that lie ahead. This is one of those posts that may sound a bit harsh at times, but being honest and truthful is the only way I know to do it.

At times I wonder if I've become too cynical. I catch myself reeling toward this place of despair and despondency. Constantly surrounded by negativity, rudeness, anger, division, and our society’s growing desire to make sin seem enjoyable and acceptable just wears on you. I know that I'm not the only one that feels like that or notices the things that I'm talking about. It's not hard to see, and when you see it and when you realize how sketchy things are getting, it just makes you all the more eager for our Lord's return.

We are in the world but no longer of the world. The greed, the lust, the desires for power and popularity, the misplaced priorities and fascination with all things wicked will grow more acceptable as this world continues following the evil desires of a fallen heart. And those things will only continue to lose our interest as we grow closer to Christ and deeper in our faith. This world will continue losing its grip on us and it’s going to take some getting used to.

God calls us to walk on the edge of this world. He is asking us to walk away from everything that it seems like everyone else is running toward. He ignited this fire in our hearts to seek something that cannot be found while we're here. He's pulling us to live differently and that's bound to make things interesting while we spend the remainder of our time here growing increasingly different while the world around us keeps going the direction that it's chosen to go.

My friends, this isn't a message of pity to help make us feel better about how weird things may become for those of us who choose to walk a different line. It's an encouragement to keep at it. It's a celebration of the courage to be different. It's a joyous realization that God is in fact doing an amazing work in our hearts and in our lives that will one day lead us to the fulfillment of every single promise that we have maintained hope in for so long.

Our time spent following Christ through a world that's going the opposite direction will not be easy. We're going to continue to be surrounded by people who have prioritized petty and pointless pursuits that the world says matter. Be different. Be bold enough to continue walking the other direction. Hold on to the promise you have in Christ that our reward is one that isn't found on this globe in these lives but is yet to come in the form of an eternity of peace. Don't trade that.

No, it's not going to get easier. The feelings of growing more out of place will only become more common. But in those moments, remember the promise and the hope of this verse in Philippians. This is not our home. This world and our lives within it are only temporary. And what comes next is worth the effort and strife that come with fighting the good fight and continuing to be different from the world around us.

So just hold on my friends. We're getting closer to where we belong!


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