Day 2493 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 14:26 NIV

It's not just us. That's a way of thinking that all of us have fallen into believing. We get so wrapped up in what we're doing and why we're doing it that our lives quickly become about us. But we forget that our lives, our choices, our faith isn't just about us. It doesn't just help us. It starts with us but it extends out to those around us and has the power to impact and potentially change their lives too.

We've been talking about the tough choices and hard changes that we experience when choosing to follow a path of faith. The discipline that we come up against that confronts our errors and complacency. The realization that we've made so many poor decisions. The discomfort of seeing the pitiful sins and wickedness that has infected our lives. It's all far from enjoyable and sadly that discomfort and harsh reality sends many running the other way.

But we need to push through those growing pains. We need to endure that brutal honesty of who we've been and how we've fallen from who we could have been. We need to embrace every chance we're given to grow, to learn, to improve ourselves and strengthen our faith. Anything and everything we do to improve ourselves will also have a positive impact on those around us. Anything we do to increase our faith will help us show those around us just how important that faith really is.

Friends, it's easy to get wrapped up in thinking that it's all about us and our individual walks with Christ. And in some ways it is. But that'll never be the only reason or the only reward. When we set our hearts to following and serving Jesus then those around us will begin to notice the positive changes that we undergo. As we grow deeper into His love and learn to share it with those in our lives then they will feel the difference too. When we pour ourselves into learning from Him and pursing His wisdom then we'll be more able to help those around us with the challenges they face.

And we could keep listing things like that. The point is that what we do doesn't just matter to us. It doesn't just help us. It starts with us but then it flows outward. It overflows onto those we spend our time with. It impacts those we come into contact with. So it's about so much more than just us. But it does show yet one more reason that we can't afford to skip the hard work or avoid the potential to grow and improve ourselves and our faith.

Always keep in mind that what you do matters to more than just you. Good choices, bad choices, doesn't matter. Other people will be impacted by our choices, our actions, our thoughts, our words, all of it. So please don't take that lightly. What we learn is what we teach. What we believe is what we share. What we hold true is what we pass on. Please make it something good. Make it something helpful. Make sure that it's something that will make someone else better. We really do have the chance to change the course of not only our lives but the lives of those around us.

When we live our lives building everyone on Christ and our faith in His promises then we’re building something that matters. We’re showing others just how important and powerful faith really is. We’re helping others see that they too can trust in the Lord and rest in His faithfulness. And if we can help point them to Christ and His eternal salvation then we just might make a difference that means something after all!


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