Day 2494 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Timothy 4:12 NIV

Whenever we hear the word leader we think of president and kings. We think of those who are rich and famous. We think about the people who get all of the attention as the ones who are the leaders. But what if I told you that leadership is a little closer to home than Washington DC or Hollywood? What if I told you that you all of us are leaders, or at least that we have the opportunity to be?

I’m pretty sure that gets lost behind all these other things that we’re doing or trying to be. We get stuck trying to be like the world so that people like us. We get used to following others because it’s so much easier than leading the way ourselves. We think that being a leader takes a famous name or a massive bank account. And when we see life and our position in it that way then we’re never going to think of ourselves as leaders. We’ll just let someone else take that role.

But friends, we can’t afford to just hope for the best. We can’t assume that the leaders that so many are following are pointing people in the right direction. We can’t afford to just skate through life following the herd because the majority of people are going the wrong direction. Too many evil things have become too popular and therefore too powerful. And if we don’t stand up and help people see there’s another path available then we’re a part of the problem.

Each of us have not only the opportunity but the responsibility to step up and lead by example. Sure it’s easier to hope someone else will do it. It’s scary to face the criticism and strife that comes with putting ourselves out there. It’s far easier to lean on those worn out excuses like ‘I’m too young’ or ‘Nobody will listen to me’ or even ‘How can I make a difference’. But excuses are nothing but barriers that we ourselves put up to avoid having to try.

God created us to be leaders. He put us here to be warriors. He gave us His Spirit and provides us with His wisdom and guidance so that we can help others navigate through this dumpster fire of a society. He calls us to be fishers of men, not because it’s easy but because it’s needed. Each of us have the chance to make a difference in the lives of anyone and everyone who pays any attention to how we do things. And we can’t overlook that fact anymore.

People are watching. Maybe not millions. Maybe not hundreds. Maybe just our family. But we owe it to everyone around us to do our very best to lead by example because people will see what we do and listen to what we say and learn from what we share. That’s far too big of an opportunity to just pass it off to someone else. As Christians we know what’s important. We know what’s right. We know that without Christ none of us have any hope. We know that there is a lot wrong in this place. And therefore we should know that our lives should echo Him and point to Him and try to make things better however we can.

Age doesn’t matter. How much money we have doesn’t matter. The amount of friends we have doesn’t even matter. If we can inspire and encourage just one person to find Christ and turn onto the path that He set for us all then we’ve helped save one. Then they may do the same for another. Then another. Then another. And before you know it this massive thing has happened that started with our willingness to be different, to live better, and to lead by example.

So no more excuses my friends. It’s time to practice what we preach and to remember that everything we do has an impact whether we realize it or not. People are watching. They are listening. Make sure that what they see and what they hear leave them better for having seen it and heard it. That’s our duty as Christians and we simply cannot afford to ignore it.


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