Day 2498 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Galatians 4:4-5 NIV

The day has arrived my friends, Christmas is here! Today we celebrate a gift that is the very definition of undeserved. It's a kind of mercy and grace that our human minds can't fully comprehend. It's a freedom that extends beyond any definition of that word that we have ever experienced. It's a love that is so indescribable that trying to put it into words is futile.

It's truly amazing to think that God chose to come down to us. He chose to reach out to us. He looked at us in all of our filth, all of our errors, all of our weaknesses and flaws and all the mistakes we've made and still saw something worth trying to save. He chose to look past the arrogance and pride and selfishness that had separated us from Him. He chose to love rather than destroy and that is something that should light a fire in us to do better.

All of us have obliterated every aspect of His law. We've let Him down more times than we can possibly count. We've failed and fallen and gotten lost and chosen the wrong paths. We've idolized worldly things and been caught up in the flood of sinful pleasure. We drifted so far from Him peace and love that there should be no way back. Our doom should be sealed. Our punishment inevitable. But it isn't. And that's all because of His immense love for us.

Friends, we've all experienced a life under the law. We've had the opportunity to do it our way and well we couldn't have blown it any worse. But thankfully His grace is bigger than our ability to mess things up. His love is more powerful than our poor choices. His salvation is truly big enough to bridge the gap, cover the flaws, heal the wounds, and bring us back to where we should have been all along.

Today isn't a day of gloating about what presents we get. It's not about anything having to do with us. Today is a day of remembering what's been done for us. It's a reminder of the opportunity we have to be something so much more than what we've been before. It's the chance to accept a gift that we could never possibly deserve. It's an open door that we have tried everything in our power to close.

Please accept His gift of mercy, salvation, and love. Allow it to change your life. Allow it to open your eyes to who you've been and who you now have the opportunity to be. From sinner to son. From disaster to daughter. From cretin to child. From failure to family. From lost to loved. From scared to saved. From heathen to hopeful. From broken to blessed.

Today is the celebration of when love came down to take our place in order for us to have the opportunity to be set free from the weight of guilt that had all but crushed our hope of anything good. Jesus Christ took our place, bore our sins, endured our punishment, and paid our debt so that we could have the opportunity at redemption through His precious blood. There's nothing that will ever come close to being that amazing.

And it's a gift that all of us have the opportunity to open. Please open it and let it do its indescribable work in you. It'll change your life. It'll give you life. It will fill your heart with hope knowing that the Creator of everything loves you so personally and so deeply that He sent His one and only Son to bring you back to Him. Don't miss that!

Merry Christmas everyone!!


  1. Amen. Beautiful message and we were given the greatest gift ever. Thank you Father and Happy Birthday Jesus.

    1. It really is almost hard to wrap your mind around. Something so good given to a bunch of folks who have been far from good is nothing short of incredible. And it's something that we can celebrate and be thankful for every single day. Merry Christmas Mom!!


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