Day 2504 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:22 NIV

Well, we've made it. It's the last day of the year. A day that marks the end of one calendar and the start of a brand new set of days tomorrow. In reality it's just another day. But for many this final day of the year brings a sense of finality. And it also ushers in thoughts of renewal, change, and opportunity. It's a day of looking back where this past year has taken us and reflecting upon all that we've seen, heard, and most importantly learned over the last 12 months.

As we prepare to leave 2021 behind, I wanted to encourage you to take this opportunity to leave some other things behind with it. Today's a great day to be honest with ourselves and admit that we've picked up some bad habits and have some things that we'd definitely be better off without in the coming new year. We all learned some valuable lessons. We’ve all make some mistakes. We’ve all gained a lot that can and should help us going forward.

We've been talking about doubt for the past several days. We've talked about fear. We've discussed things like worldly desires and this need for social acceptance. We've talked about all the distractions that trip us up in life. We've talked a lot about different lies that we've fallen for. We've talked about giving our situations power over us that they shouldn't really have. We've talked about misplaced priorities and selfish desires. This past year has brought all kinds of discussions and hopefully realizations as to the room for improvement we all have inside of us and in our lives.

We've talked about a lot this past year in these posts. And a lot of the things we've discussed are things that we should make every effort to leave behind. The fear, the doubt, the worry, the anger, the foolishness, the selfishness, the twisted priorities. All of them are things that only hold us back from the growth and improvement that we all desire. They keep us from finding the joy and the peace that we're all searching for in life.

If the past couple of years have taught us anything it's that we don't know what any given year has in store. The best that we can possibly do is start off on the right foot. We can go into it with as little baggage as possible because odds are this new year ahead is bringing plenty of trials and challenges as well. One of the best things we can do is get our minds right as we head into the unknowns of this 2022 that lies before us. We can cut loose anything and everything that has held us back so that we go into the new unbridled and untangled.

Today is the day that has been selected as the end. The end of 2021. The end of another year. Let it be the end of anything harmful, anything hurtful, anything foolish, anything hindering, anything worthless. Why bring the worthless and unhelpful things with us? Why hold on to anything that's holding us back? Why make the new a repeat of the old when we have the opportunity to do something different, something better?

Please take some time today and think about the junk that you want to leave behind in 2021. Think about the things that you'll be better off without. Think about the lessons you've learned, the mistakes you've made, and decide what stays and what goes. Out with the old, in with the new. That's what today means for many. Make the most of this opportunity to make sure that you're stepping into a new year with only what is going to make you better, and not what's been holding you back.

There is freedom in letting go! We all have things that we can get rid of in life. And it’s in getting rid of everything that we’re not meant to be that we can finally find the joy of being who God can make us when we let go and surrender to His will. We may not know what lies ahead, but we can undoubtedly make it better by making sure that we don’t bring anything bad from yesterday with us into tomorrow.


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