Day 2516 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 2:22 NIV

What are we doing? Why do we give people so much power over us? Why do we allow ourselves to let others dictate our worth, our importance, our identity? Why do we put so much stock into the opinions of those around us who are literally no different than we are? Friends, we're allowing this world to have an input on who we are every time that we listen to what someone else says about us or stop to wonder what other people think. Has to stop.

We've been talking for a few days about the hatred and judgement that will inevitably come our way as Christians. We're called to be love in a place that runs on hatred. We're called to do good in a world that embraces evil. We're called to rise above sin and selfishness in a society that is built upon both. We're here to follow Christ while the rest of the world follows the countless paths of darkness and delusion.

We're simply going a different direction than the vast majority of people have chosen to go. We should expect some friction in there somewhere. But we shouldn't run from it. We shouldn't fear it. We shouldn't worry about what other people think about the choices that we're making because we're making them for different reasons from different perspectives. And at the end of the day, they're our choices. We're the ones that will answer for them. Therefore we need to be the only ones making them and never allow this world to have a say.

But that's exactly what we do when we allow ourselves to even consider what other people may think or say about us. We give this world a little bit of control over who we are and what we do. This world and its wicked ways have no room in the life or the mind of a person following Christ. Once we open our hearts to Him things are gonna start changing. We're going to start changing. He makes us new. He restores us to who we were meant to be all along. All of the worldly ways are washed away and we're left with nothing but a heart set on serving Him.

So focus on serving Him. Not this world. Not the opinions of other people. Not social media or whatever other nonsense manages to become popular in the future. Focus on Christ and Christ alone. He defines us. He is the One that determines our worth. He is our identity because He died to live inside of us. It's time that we stop forcing Him to bunk with the world we're passing through. He deserves everything we can possibly offer, and we owe this world nothing other than being who He calls us to be.

Just remember that human beings are just human beings. We're all breath and ashes. We're all bone and dust. Each of us have a set number of days and when those days are up we're done here. Don't allow any other person to have a say in who you are or what you do with the days God has allotted to you. Those days are for Him, not this world. It's time that we remember that because the opinions won't stop coming. The hatred and judgement aren't going to grow unpopular.

But they better become unpopular and unworthy in our minds. We can't afford to give them any room if we're going to follow Christ and give Him everything He deserves. There is no walking on both sides of this fence. Just remember that this world can't define you because Christ already has. So quit letting them think they can by listening to what they say. Worldly opinions carry no weight with God. And they shouldn’t resonate with us either.


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