Day 2517 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 2:12 NIV

All of us have lived our lives trying to be what the world wants. But we don't need to be what the world wants. We should want to be what the world needs. So many of the issues our society is facing are due to the entitlement that comes from a people always getting their way. And when they suddenly don't get their way they lose their minds. Well, in case you didn't know, there's a day coming when getting our way will be done with for good.

That’s why we have to stop catering to what other people want us to be and remain steadfast in being who they need us to be. While this place may want us to be good little boys and girls who stay quiet and simply do as we're told so as to never rock the boat or disturb the delusions, we're here for a much different purpose. This place has prioritized its selfish ideals for so long that any voice that speaks out in opposition is seen as a detractor that's spewing only lies and hate. It's amazing how we can spin things to mean what we want them to mean!

If we only do what this world wants us to do then we're going to fail our Father. We're going to miss out on the chances He gives us to make a difference, to have an impact, to share a message that needs to be heard. We can't afford to forego the calling to share the Gospel just because so many don't want to hear it. They need to hear it. It's the only hope that any of us have. Everyone deserves someone courageous enough to tell them the truth. And that's exactly what Christ calls us to do.

So that should be our goal. To be fearless in the face of the opposition that will come. To be courageous enough to stand out from the crowd. To be bold enough to share the truth even though we know people aren't going to like it. To be faithful to the calling we have in Christ to leave the broken ways of this world behind, set our hearts on following and serving Him, and live our lives in such a way that shows everyone who's watching that there is in fact another path through this place.

Yeah, being different isn't always considered a good thing. Our world wants robots who don't think, don't reason, don't speak out, and don't ever consider going against the established order of things that so many have accepted. That obviously leaves us with a choice to make. Be what the world wants or be what Jesus wants. Do what this place wants us to do or what Christ calls us to do. They should be the same, but sadly they've grown quite different.

The time for fitting in and living in fear of the repercussions of not doing so has come and gone. It's time for us to leave all the worry and fear behind and boldly step into the lives that God is calling us to live. Yeah, many aren't going to like it. They didn't like Jesus and He did was come to save all of us from ourselves. They killed the very definition of love and mercy, why would we expect anything different? But we can't let this vile place determine who we are or how we live. Doing so will only hinder our impact.

Friends, leave no doubts. Leave no room for wondering. Live your lives in such a way that this world cannot debate who you were, what you stood for, and what meant the most to you. We're going to be different and that's exactly what we should want to be. And while there will be some who hate us for it here and now, they won't be able to argue that we didn't make a difference. If we give Christ our hearts and live to serve His will then we're going to have an impact. We may be hated for it at times, but it will be undeniable in the end.

On that day when truth and honesty are all that’s left don’t let anyone be able to say that you didn’t tell them the truth in this life. Don’t give anyone the opportunity to deny that you were different and tried to point everyone around you to Christ. We can’t force anyone to accept Him into their own lives, but we can make sure they at least know they have that opportunity. So as I say at the close of every post here lately, #LeaveNoSoulUntold.


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