Day 2518 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 13:47 NIV

You know, I think we often fall into thinking that our faith is a solely personal thing. In many ways it is. It's our walk with Christ. It's our choice to follow His path. It's our life that we've decided to spend serving His will. But our faith doesn't matter to us alone. In fact, when we give our hearts to Christ He fills us with His light so that we can then share His love and mercy with the world around us.

That's why I said in yesterday's post to leave no doubts. Our faith should be one of the most evident things about us to those we meet along the way. It should be clear that we've been made differently because we have. God has started an incredible work in us through His salvation and our humility. He has wiped away all the junk that was once our lives so that we could shine for Him rather than continue hiding in the dark that we'd always known.

I was talking with a friend of mine the other day and he referred to it as feeling like lighthouses. I've thought of that several times in these posts over the years. God redeemed us from the darkness so that we could become children of light who could reflect His light into the darkness that we once called home. He wiped away all the filth so that we could shine. He offered us His forgiveness so that we could understand the gravity of that gift and then go and tell others all about it.

We are lighthouses my friends. Built upon the Solid Rock. Entrusted with a light that will guide people to safety. Designed to stand tall and resilient because our job is of utmost importance, and we can't risk bending or swaying or giving into the pressure that we're going to face in this world. We have the light that this world needs and it's our job to stand in the gap between the rough seas of wickedness and the safe haven of God's mercy. It's on us to help call people to Him so that they too can find the life-altering grace that we've found.

Make no mistake, the winds will blow against us and try to beat us down. The seas will grow rougher and crash against us on all sides. The pressure of trying to do what's right in a world that's all about what's wrong is going to be a pretty tough challenge some days. But that's maybe the most amazing thing about it. When we continue to stand in the face of those storms then those around us will be able to see that we really are built on something incredibly strong, incredibly reliable, and maybe something that they too might be willing to try for themselves.

That's the whole point. And that's why we can't forget that our faith matters to those around us as well. We can play some tiny part in helping someone else find Christ. We can help someone else hear about the saving grace that has been given to every single one of us. We can help stand up for what's right and call others to the Rock that helps us stand. We could very well end up being the inspiration or the encouragement that gives someone else hope and helps them find the eternal salvation that we've found.

Never forget that people are watching. People are looking for help. They're looking for change, and healing, and forgiveness, and freedom. They're looking for everything that can be found only in Christ. It's our job to help point the way. And that's a task we can't take lightly because He clearly didn't. We are here for more than us and it's definitely time that we start sharing what the Good Lord has given us because each day it becomes increasingly clear that our world needs Him more than ever before!


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