Day 2525 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 2:4 NIV

We've been talking about how we so easily become focused on trying to earn our faith. We think that we have to work for God's love because this idea that He just freely gives it to us seems way too good to be true. But in thinking that we have to earn His mercy we end up becoming so focused on ourselves that we start forgetting that there's far more to all of this than just us.

You see, God doesn't call us to wrap ourselves up in ourselves. He doesn't call us to tune out the world around us so that we can better focus on perfecting every aspect of our lives. He asks us to go into all the world and share this incredible news with the people around us. He asks us to share His light and His love with others so that we all grow and benefit from it. But that's all but impossible to do when we're busy thinking about us and everything we think we need to do to earn what's already been given.

Instead of making our lives all about us and trying to satisfy this desire to earn something so that we gain some kind of selfish glory, maybe we should do what this verse is telling us instead. Maybe we should turn our focus outward. Maybe we should look for chances to help other people improve their lives rather than just worrying about making ours better. Maybe if we spent a little more time trying to help others and a little less thinking about ourselves we may just end up making a difference.

One of the biggest things that we miss when we're completely consumed in ourselves is the fact that so many around us are hurting. They're lost. They're scared. They're losing hope. They're barely hanging on to whatever crumbs we accidentally drop along the way as we pass them by on the road to bettering ourselves. Shouldn't be that way. If we only focus on ourselves then we're the only ones who gain anything. That's clearly not the way Christ laid out for us to follow.

Oddly enough, what we'll find when we turn our attention outward and put our time into helping others is that we end up growing from it too. We end up finding this love and kindness inside that we don't get to notice when we're only living for us. We find a joy and a compassion that we never experienced before. We find the value and importance of living as God's servants rather than living to serve ourselves.

Friends, we can spend our entire lives trying to perfect every step we take so that we can approach God's throne with this feeling that we did enough to earn a ticket to Heaven or we can live our lives trying to ensure that every single person has a chance to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior so that we all have a chance at the gift of salvation. The first choice will maybe make us better in some way. But the second is the only one that comes anywhere close to the example that we have in Jesus.

Maybe the best way to sum it up is what Christ Himself tells us in Matthew 25:40, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Life has never and will never be about us or our desire to measure up and earn God's grace. It's about living beyond ourselves, sharing His love with others, and working to help everyone grow and improve, not just us. After all, we have the light of Christ living inside of us. And sharing that light doesn’t leave us with less, it just gives others more so that we all get to experience it!



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