Day 2533 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 19:21 NIV

Yeah, we do like to think we've got it all figured out. We plan our course to the destinations we dream of. We sit around and daydream of what we think a perfect life would entail. We set our sights on what we want based on our own individual ideals. We set ourselves up to carve out a life that fits who we want to be, what we want to achieve, and what we want to have around us for the journey toward the destination that we want to arrive at one day.

Now that's all well and good but it has one main flaw. In the grand scheme of things, what we want doesn't really matter. It doesn't come into play. It's not going to carry much weight when posed against God's will for us. That's kind of what we talked about yesterday. What we want and what God wants for us are probably very different things. But no matter how adamant we are that we know what's best for us, God's not going to compromise.

That's where many start struggling with this path of faith that we're called to walk upon. It involves a whole lot of humility. A whole lot letting go. A lot of changes that we wouldn't ever choose to make had we chose to continue doing things our way. That's the whole point though, and it's what pushes over that edge to finally surrendering our way to God's will. We live our lives according to what we want and the plans we've made only to realize that it's not all we made it out to be.

It's in that realization that our dreams aren't as perfect as we thought they'd be that we can begin to understand that God's will for us is truly better than anything we could ever imagine. Yeah, it's hard letting go. It's hard to admit that we were wrong all this time. It's hard to accept that all that time spent daydreaming and plotting our course to our picture-perfect version of life was wasted. But the sooner we come to terms with that the better.

As this verse is teaching us, we can plan and dream and do whatever we want to, but God's will is going to be done in the end. His plans for us are the ones that will be fulfilled. His path is the one we'll end up walking. We can do it the hard way or the easy way. Sadly, most choose the hard way. It's just too hard to let go of what we want. It's too hard to surrender and give up chasing everything we've always wanted. But being stubborn only makes it worse and prolongs the struggle.

Friends, we don't have to accept God's will in place of our dreams and desires. But that doesn't mean that we can avoid it either. What we have in mind may seem perfect to us, but what He has in store is greater than anything our minds can come up with. That may seem impossible but it's the truth. Please don't spend your life stubbornly fighting against what God's trying to do. Doing so will only cause you to waste more time and miss out on enjoying all that He has planned.

As great as they may seem, our goals are nothing compared to His promises. Don't wait any longer to see that for yourself!


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