Day 2535 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 119:18 NIV

As much as we want life to go our way according to our desires based on our dreams toward our goals, what we truly need it God's plan. The problem is that when push comes to shove, we will instinctually revert back to what we want because it's what makes sense to us. It's harder to trust in something that we haven't considered, let alone ever dreamed was possible. We've become so used to thinking that we know best that this idea that we don't is hard to consider.

When God starts to lead us away from what we've always thought was right toward something that we don't understand, it's going to be pretty tough for most of us. It's hard because it forces us to reconsider everything. It opens our eyes to the possibility that everything we've done, every choice we've made, and every priority we've had was all for naught. And it's just hard to let go of everything we've always known in exchange for something that we can't possibly wrap our minds around.

But that's what our faith demands. We can't fully walk with Christ and still carry a bunch of luggage filled with our personal ideals and goals along with us. Jesus tells us that very fact in Luke 14:33, "those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples." This is an all or nothing kind of faith. We can't pick and choose and piece it together to make it be what we want it to be so it fits where we have room for it to fit. Doesn't work that way.

Thankfully, God's there to help open our eyes to what we need to change, improve, and get rid of altogether. He's there to help us transition from living life according to what our eyes can see and our minds can imagine to what He has in store instead. Yes, it involves letting go and learning that we've gotten it quite wrong all this time. But that fact is going to be one that we're all going to face at one point or another. May as well bite that bullet now and be able to reap the benefits of the changes that it brings.

We may think that we have it all figured, but we're wrong. And that's okay! It's okay because once we realize that we're doing this all wrong, we can better understand the vast room for improvement that we have because of it. We can finally see that God’s way, God’s law, and God’s promises are the only things that will ever lead to anything good, because we can finally see that our best still couldn’t lead us to anything worth having. It only left us lost and broken. Don’t we want something better than that?

There is so much good in God's path. Ours may make more sense to us but sometimes we need to step back and let someone who knows more than we do be the one to lead the way instead. The bottom line is that God's way will always be better than ours and will always lead to more than our way ever can. But we can only see that when we finally let go of this vision we've had and trust instead in what God has planned. It may be scary but what's even scarier is living our lives our way and realizing one day that it could have been so much better if we'd gotten out the way.

I understand that God’s path and God’s law and God’s expectations seem far less enjoyable when compared to our way that looks far easier and completely care-free. But looks can definitely be deceiving, and this is definitely one of those circumstances! Don’t avoid God’s path because it’s different or scary or requires humility and self-control. Those things are good for us, and when we surrender to His plans then we can finally see that.


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