Day 2551 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Amos 4:13 NIV

It's a strange thing to try and comprehend. We live in a world bound by limits. Now, we don't always like to admit that, but that doesn't change anything. We only know how to think within certain confines. Our minds are bound by what we believe is possible. And often time what we believe is possible is also limited by what we've seen ourselves or others accomplish. So, everything we think, everything we do is limited in one way or another.

But then there's our faith. That's where things start getting a little different. Suddenly we're presented with this concept that is truly limitless. But still, our human minds and these limited lives we've always known can keep us from fully understanding, or even trying to understand what our faith can be. Our human limits hold us back from fully understanding who God is and what He is capable of doing.

You hear a lot of talking about how God heals, saves, forgives. There are so many buzz words in our faith that it can almost start to lose its meaning. But it's more than pretty words or even what we consider to be really big ideals. And yet, we still find ways to limit it. We limit to those catchy words that make us feel good. We bind it inside of our questions and doubts. We hinder the full power of faith because we don't know how it works or how to fully surrender to the One that we put that faith in.

How can He heal what we keep breaking? How can He forgive when we can't forgive ourselves? How can He know what's coming when we don't fully understand what's happening right now? How can all of the hard things we go through possibly lead to something peaceful? There are so many things about our faith that just seem impossible to us. But they seem impossible because we naturally see things through the lens of what we think is possible.

What hit me last night before I started reading the Bible is that I've tried to contain God in a book. I try to convey Him in these little posts. We try to sing Him in catchy songs. We look to experience Him for an hour on Sunday morning. We attempt to sum up our faith and our Father in so many ways that themselves have limits. We struggle with faith because we approach it with these limits already in mind.

We're trying to limit the limitless.

He can heal what we've broken. He can forgive what we've messed up. He can lead us to peace through life’s storms. He can bring the dead to life, even what feels dead inside of us this very moment. He can revive what's been consigned to defeat. He can break the chains of sin and shame. He can overcome every single challenge that we think is impossible to get through. He is bigger than this world and not bound by the same limits that we've grown to see in life.

Friends, there is nothing that God can't do because He's the one who decides what's possible. We may never understand it, but that's okay because we're not meant to. We're not the ones who need to figure it all out. We're not the ones who need to find a way through the trials we face. We're not the ones who have the power to overcome sin and darkness. Our job is to have faith in the only One who can. Our place is on our knees, humbly surrendered to the only One who has no limits.

God is bigger than anything that can fit inside our minds. Why keep trying to contain Him into what makes sense to us? Why not step outside of our innate limits and have faith in something that extends well beyond what we know? We have to stop trying to make sense of faith and simply accept that faith is bigger than anything that makes sense because that faith is in a God that's bigger than we could ever imagine. He isn’t able to be contained or understood because He is truly unlimited.


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