Day 2552 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 24:35 NIV

Yesterday we talked about how we often try to limit God into something that we can understand. But that's not the only issue that we're causing when it comes to our faith these days. One of the most dangerous things, in my opinion at least, that is starting to happen is that it really seems like the church is trying way too hard to modernize and keep up with what the rest of the world is doing. We're changing the unchangeable.

I talked about this not too long ago, but even in the days and weeks since then, I've seen even more of this stuff going on. The world has seemingly infiltrated the church, when it's the church that should be going out into the world. This new progressive form of Christianity is nothing but an effort to make the Gospel fit our current world, and that's simply not a game we should be playing.

The Gospel doesn't need to be updated. Doesn't need to be changed. Doesn't need to be modernized in order to better fit what we're doing today. What we're doing should be molded, determined, and defined by God's word. Not the other way around. That's where none of this stuff makes any sense to me. We're progressing away from who God calls us to be and how our faith should work.

I understand that we've been taught that we have to fit in and agree and do as everyone else is doing. Personally, I don't buy it. Not playing that game. Not here to be liked, fit in, or let this world dictate who I am, what I do, or what I believe. But even if you're into that kind of thing, it doesn't belong in our faith. Our faith should make us realize just how broken and wicked this world has become. Not something we should be trying to make the Bible fit. We have to draw a line when it comes to our faith because it isn't changing, and we shouldn’t try to change it.

We should be trying to change the world with the truth of the Gospel. But instead, we’re letting the world alter the Gospel and how we share it.

But alas, that's what many seem to be trying to do. I guess it's easy to overlook those verses in the Bible that tell us that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's easy to ignore those passages that talk about blaspheme and having other gods and worshipping other things. It's easy to ignore whatever we want when our priorities demand it. But it doesn't mean that God has changed His mind. He hasn't changed His opinion. He hasn't changed His truth, even though modern religion is trying to do so.

Friends, we have to stop trying to change something that shouldn't be changed. I don't care what this world does, it has no business altering what Christianity is. I don't care what becomes popular or accepted in this wicked place, it shouldn't be given any room in our faith. If you want to keep up with the world around us, go for it. That's your choice. But we cannot allow the world to convince us that the Gospel needs to be updated to fit modern ways of living. Our modern ways of living should still be based on the undeniable and unchangeable truth of the Gospel.

But that's where we're clearly okay veering off in a different direction. We're too worried about being normal. We're too scared of being labeled haters, or being seen as offensive, or falling behind the times, or whatever other nonsense excuse anyone may come up with. Christianity doesn't need to progress. It needs to remain the constant truth that it's always been, and we need to quit trying to make it what this place wants it to be.

This world likes to change things, update things, and find new and exciting ways to be despicable. Let them. Let them try to change God. Let them try to change His church. Let them try to change His word. Let them try to instill their vile will on us. It doesn't matter what this world does or what anyone wants to try, He isn't changing. His word isn't changing. So we better be the ones to hold tight to what He has said is right, true, and holy. This world doesn't care about any of those things. But when it comes to a Christian faith, we better care about them. And we better not let anything change our opinions on that.

God sure won't.


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