Day 2553 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 16:5 NIV

Been on this little string of posts talking about things we're trying to do in this world that simply don't work like we think they do. Trying to change God's word to fit what we want it to mean. Trying to update Christianity so it better adheres to our modern ideals. Trying to limit God and faith into something that we can understand, and dare I say, even control. But no matter what we try, it's just not going to work if it goes against God's will.

But this world seems to love trying anyway. We seem to enjoy this arrogant mindset that has us believing that we're the ones who call the shots. Our society thrives on control, even though it's only an illusion. Power, pride, vanity, greed, ego, and selfishness drive so much of what so many do and are the foundations of how our world works anymore. But what we apparently fail to see or choose to overlook is yet another bone-headed attempt that will ultimately end in failure: We're trying to move the unmovable.

We've somehow gotten it in our minds that we can contend with God. We think that we can barter with Him to get what we want. We act as though we can do anything we want to do and that He's just going to be okay with it. We take His love for granted and simply assume that it will always be there for us whenever we come around to wanting it. We want God to serve us and to do so how we want and when we want.

So, we walk away from Him chasing all of these worldly priorities and assume that He doesn't mind. We push Him out of our way so that His laws and expectations don't cramp our style. We do whatever we can to ignore Him and that feeling of responsibility that we all have deep inside because they just get in the way of doing what we want. Arrogance is more of a concern than personal responsibility.

Doing what's right isn't as much fun as doing what brings us pleasure. Following the straight and narrow takes us in a different direction than the rest of the world is going, and we just can't bear that thought. So many seem to honestly think that God will just wink at our sins, overlook our pride, and compromise with our arrogance. We think that we're really free to do anything we want without regard to what's right or wrong, good or evil, healthy or harmful.

But at some point, this idiotic idea that has so many seeing God as a life-preserver to catch us when our mistakes have let us down is going to stop being so much fun. At some point we're going to realize that we can't just shove God out of our way. We can't just overrule His will. We can't argue with Him. He will have the final say, and in case you didn't know, please re-read the message of this verse.

We think we can force God to compromise with what we want, or at least shove Him aside if He doesn't bend to our will. We're trying, in vain, to move the unmovable.

Pride will meet the sovereignty of our Lord. Arrogance will bow before His throne. And living our lives on the wrong side of right, constantly running away from and ignoring God is a surefire way to wind up heading someplace nobody should ever want to go. There is no dealing. There is no bartering. There is no bribing. Good will win in the end and evil will be given over to the punishment that awaits those who don't take God seriously.

Please don't risk that. Don't live under this foolish assumption that what we do doesn't really matter. Don't buy this lie that God's forgiveness will always be there. When our final breath is gone and we're standing at those gates, that's a pretty bad time to realize we were wrong. Don't let pride or arrogance or anything else cause you to live life like you're the one running the show. He's the one on the throne and we better accept that fact before it's too late to accept.


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