Day 2555 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Timothy 2:23 NIV

Looking back, I'm not sure how it happened. Not sure when it happened or even why it has happened at all. But at some point, for some reason, our society adopted this fascination with fighting and arguing amongst ourselves. Constantly. It's to the point that you basically can't get on social media without coming across some kind of argument. And just avoid comment sections as they're nothing but a platform for the most vile, most hurtful, most pointless and pathetic discourse there is.

Everything has become an argument. You can't even share your feelings on something without someone else chiming in and telling you how they disagree and why you're wrong. You can't make a friendly comment on someone's post without someone else going back at you or pointing out something that they don't like or don't agree with. We've allowed ourselves to descend into this world of foolishness that just can't possibly lead to anything good.

That's the part that I just don't understand. What are people trying to accomplish by attacking one another all the time? What is the end-goal? I honestly think that so many have fallen into this idea that they have to prove their worth. People think they have to prove that they're right, that they're important, that they're popular. Sadly, people don't know how to be their own person anymore. They only know how to consume and regurgitate someone else's opinions and ideas in this sad attempt to look like they've chosen a side in whatever fight is on the table at the moment.

I know it seems like I talk about a lot of things that our world has gotten wrong. It seems like I discuss a lot of negative things and point out all kinds of problems and issues that this place has. But the only way to improve is to address those problems. The only way to do better is to realize and acknowledge what we're doing wrong. The only way to change is to admit that we need to do so.

And all of these foolish, petty, and simply unnecessary arguments that are constantly swirling around us are some pretty big stumbling blocks that can quickly trip us up and shift our focus away from what it needs to be. I think that may be a large part of what all these fools are trying to do with all this fighting and bickering all the time. They want us to get involved in their game and stop playing our own. And that's why we need to remember the message of this verse.

All people want to do anymore is fight. They want to beat their opposition into submission so that they feel superior. They want to gain this approval and acceptance and power that comes with proving others wrong. That's not why we're here. That's worldly nonsense that we simply don't need to let ourselves be dragged into. We have a far more important job to be doing. And getting involved in petty rubbish only keeps us from doing that job and could very well undermine any progress we've made before.

We are here to share the Gospel, proclaim the truth of God's word, share His love with EVERYONE, and point this world to a better path than all the broken ones that so many have chosen to travel. How do we do any of that by delving into these petty arguments that so many others are focused on? How do we love someone by fighting with them? How do we share the light of Christ by sharing in the vile rhetoric that the world is consumed with? How do we make things better by being a part of what's wrong, of what's pointless?

We don't. If we do as the rest of the world does then we're nothing but what the rest of the world is. But we're called to be more than that. We're called to do more than win some worldly argument. We're here to accomplish more than prove our intelligence, or power, or worth. We're here to help win people over to Christ from the ways of this dark world. We're not going to have a very strong message if we're doing the same dark and worthless stuff that we're supposed to be standing against.

Friends, let the world fight. Let other people argue all the time if that's what they want to do. We don't have to join every fight that we're invited to. We don't have to play the wicked games that so many seem to think are so important. We don't have to lower ourselves to the pathetic standards of a broken world and a lost humanity. In fact, we can't. The message we've been given and the Savior that we're serving are too important to let anything else steal our focus or consume our attention.

Focus on sharing Christ and let the world go on sharing their opinions. Just remember that the truth of God's word and the power of the Gospel don't need to be defended. They have the power to defend themselves. We just need to share them. And we cannot let anything else become more important than our mission to share them. Distractions simply don’t help what we’re here to do.


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