Day 2561 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 6:24a NIV

There seems to be this idea in some religious groups that has them believing that they can be like this world and yet still follow Christ. Don't have any idea how that is possibly supposed to work. I understand the appeal. I can grasp the theory. I realize that there's this idea that making the church more appealing to the masses will increase attendance and therefore, hopefully, introduce more people to Jesus. Problem is that trying to make the Gospel more world-friendly undermines the entire point.

We can't try to serve two masters. But yet, that's exactly what seems to be going on all around us both within the church and in society as a whole. We've been talking for a couple of days about how Christ is our only hope as He is the only name by which any of us can be saved. He is the way, the truth, and the life for all who claim to be Christians. But is that the message that we're conveying when we allow this world to articulate how we share the Gospel and the manner in which we spread the Good News?

Rather than seeking the one Way, the one Truth, and the one Life, we seem to be trying to add more options. More possibilities. More worldly appeal so that numbers go up and we feel like we're doing a better job by reaching more people. Again, problem is that if we only reach them because we do as they're doing and appeal to the worldly ways that mankind has always known then what gospel are we preaching? Is that not trying to serve the world while also claiming to serve Christ? Should we be trying to find ways to make the Gospel more exciting and people-friendly? Should we be willing to bend things just to bolster interest?

What I'm getting at here is that many seem to be losing sight of this idea of "in the world but not of the world." Many seem to be focused way too much on making the Gospel more appealing to those who are lost than they are trying to help the lost see the undeniable appeal of the Gospel. Many seem to be trying to walk on both sides of this fence between God and humanity and that's just not possible. We can't serve two masters.

So, we have to decide whether we're going to try and appease the desires of mankind or if we're truly going to follow Christ and do what He calls us to do. Those choices could not be more different. As we've been discussing, lies are acceptable here. Selfishness is the standard setting for the vast majority of this world. Sin has this appeal that has so many entranced that they can't see beyond what they desire. Please, someone tell me how we're supposed to twist the Gospel to better fit what the world wants and yet still ensure that we maintain the message that it's supposed to convey!

Truth is that we can't serve this world and be what they want us to be and share the messages that they want to hear and do what Christ calls us to do at the same time. Just can't. The options are too different and only growing further apart by the day. We can't abide by the lies that our world craves and still think we're sharing the truth. We can't bow down to the wants and desires of a fallen world and still think we're encouraging people to rise above the depravity. We can't play all these worldly games, follow these worldly paths, and serve these worldly masters and still think we're serving Christ.

Friends, I know it's hard to make a choice that means going in a different direction than most. It's hard to follow the straight and narrow when the rest of the world is enjoying the wide and curvy road of sinfulness. It's hard to stop living according to what this world wants and what they want us to be. But that's the choices we have to choose from. We can be what the world wants or what God created us to be. We can serve the lies that many believe are true or we can deliver the truth that many don't want to hear. Pretty easy to see how we can't follow both roads.

As hard as it may be, and as unpopular as it may become, we are here to serve Christ and Christ alone. As we talked about yesterday, He is the only name. The only way. The only truth. We can't allow ourselves to still behave, think, and believe like this world and think that we're following Him. This world has chosen who they're collectively going to serve. They've chosen to serve themselves and hate the idea of worshipping anyone else. They’ve chosen to believe in lies and abhor the truth. They’ve chosen to avoid responsibility and loathe the very idea of something being wrong and sinful. They have chosen to live as if there are no rules and therefore no consequences and despise anyone who says otherwise.

Doesn't sound like the Gospel that I know.

So, what's it to be? The ways of this world or the will of our Father? The desires of humanity or the purpose of our King? The lies of this world or the truth that sets us free? We will all have to choose at some point because there is no possible way to walk on both sides of right and wrong.


  1. You really put this one out there. Really true, we want to do better and sometimes that may seem like to get more people to like something it has to be likeable but what if we make something just exactly like it is but still tell people that it is wonderful. Better choice sounds like. Are we not responsible for telling the truth also. Not worth missing Heaven because we like this world so much right now.

    1. Exactly right! We've gotten too used to letting the world tell us what's important or special, but what this world is blinded by isn't as great as many think. We know the truth and that truth will set us free from following the broken paths of a world headed toward destruction. We don't need to make the message comfortable. We need to make people realize that remaining comfortable in sin isn't all it's made out to be. We need to help people realize that something different is the only way to reach a different destination. Can't follow the world and end up somewhere other than where the Bible tells us the world is heading. So while we're here with breath in our lungs, we have to share the truth. The whole truth. Nothing but the truth, because it's that truth that breaks through the comfort of lies and helps us find our way out of the mess the world has led us into by selling it as a dream.


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