Day 2594 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 4:23-24 NIV Yesterday we discussed the sting of the truth found in God's law. That harsh realization that even our best isn't good enough is enough to send many running away from following God. That other option, the option that allows us to believe that we're doing okay and that our mistakes aren't that bad, or that we don't even make any mistakes, just has far more appeal to those who prefer the lies of sin over the opportunity to pursue righteousness. Or maybe that’s the stumbling block that sends so many running away from a life of faith. Maybe it’s the fact that pursuing righteousness is a goal that none of us can achieve. We talked about that a day or two ago. We will never be perfect. No matter how hard we try or how focused we are, we’re going to make mistakes. Nobody will ever be able to actually catch up to righteousness. So maybe some folks don’t see the point in trying something that they’re only going to fail at doing. But if you’re humble enough...