Day 2586 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Acts 5:39 NIV
We give this world and those in too much credit. This world has taken on this idea that people get to decide outcomes. And we've fallen for that nonsense ourselves. We think that the opinions, hatred, judgement, and persecution of those around us somehow have this ability to change things. But as loud or angry or foolishly powerful as this world or anyone in it may think they are, nothing and nobody can change God's plans.
Make no mistake, as we discussed yesterday, those plans aren’t always easy. His path leads us to a way of life that this world just can’t understand. This place is lost in sin and apparently just wants to stay there. And yet, you and I are called to abhor the sin that has held every single one of us captive. You and I are called to share the truth to ears that have been closed to it. We’re called to stand up against the evil in this world, the very evil that so many enjoy.
As we talked about a while ago, that’s not going to go over well. But we need to remember that while this world may hate us, judge us, persecute us, or even become violent toward us, it can’t stop what God’s started. This world doesn’t have the power to stop or to change God’s plans. Nothing this world does to us, nothing this world threatens us with, nothing we have to endure can change God’s plans. That doesn’t mean that they’re not going to try. And it definitely doesn’t mean that they’re not going to throw everything at us that they can come up with to try and get us to stop doing what He put us here to do.
When we face the trials that are coming in a life spent serving Christ rather than the wants and wishes of a fallen humanity, we need to remember the message of this verse from Acts. They’re not fighting against us. They’re not hating us. They’re not trying to stop us. They’re fighting, hating, and trying to stop God’s work. They’re lost in this idea that they can somehow manage to silence the message that Jesus gave us to share. They think that if they make us stop then it will just go away. All this talk of sin and punishment and eternal damnation will simply evaporate and they can finally enjoy their disgusting way of life in peace.
Well, doesn’t really matter what anyone wants. Doesn’t matter what the world may try. Doesn’t matter who hates it or who tries to stop it. The truth is the truth and you and I are called to share that truth as it’s the only way to freedom from the suffering that’s coming for those who don’t take that truth to heart. That mission, that opportunity is far more important than making people angry. It’s more important than hurting feelings. It’s worth facing trial and tribulation if it means furthering the work that has been started. If it helps someone find Christ and helps spread His message a little bit further, then come what may.
We have to stop living in fear of the threats this world will bring our way. Letting people keep us from doing what God put us here to do isn’t good enough. Living in fear of those around us rather than in fear of the God who saved us isn’t good enough. This world doesn’t deserve that kind of respect because it doesn’t have the power to change anything that God has decided. Thankfully, you and I get to decide which side of His will we’re going to be on.
Make no mistake, as this world gets closer to return of our Lord, things are going to get worse. The persecution will increase. The hatred of the truth will grow. And the attempts to silence those serving and following Christ will become more desperate. But don’t, for a single moment, don’t believe that anything this world does can change what God has decided. They can hate us. They can fight with us. They can slander us. They can do whatever they want, but they can’t stop the work that God has started.
This world is lost in a sort of arrogance that has many thinking they can stop God, or at least stop His children. But try as they way, He is unstoppable. And when we’re living for Him and following Christ and sharing the message that He’s given us to share and doing our best to live good lives, you better believe that He is with us. So they can fight against us, but in reality, they’re fighting against God. And friends, that isn’t going to end very well. Make sure you’re on the right side of things no matter what it may cost you.
We serve a God who can part seas, bring down walls, and bring the dead to life. Nobody down here can say that, so as for me, I’m on His side no matter what!
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