Day 2584 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 4:29 NIV

Here's something that I think many of us forget or overlook or just don't really ever consider: God knows. He knows what He's calling us to do. He knows where He's asking us to do it. He knows how people will receive this message that He's given us to share. He knows that this world just won't like it. He knows that we're going to face trouble, trial, and turmoil along this journey following Christ through a world that has turned its back on Him.

So He knows that our mission isn't going to bring us the ease and comfort that we would prefer to have in this life. He sees what's coming our way and He knows what we're going to need to make it through and to accomplish what He needs us to accomplish. It's time that we stop worrying about the unknowns. Stop worrying about the opposition we'll face. Stop giving this world and the hatred in it the power to keep us quiet.

Sadly, that's something that happens all the time. We live in fear of what others may say or think. We worry about being rejected and ridiculed. What makes it even worse is that we're in a world that has basically turned on itself. This place is overwhelmed with being offended and despising the truth. And considering we're here to share the truth to a bunch of people who find that truth to be offensive, well, it's probably not going to go over all that well.

But again, He knows. And the best part is that He's with us. He has everything we need to keep going, to be successful, to be bold in the face of the world around us. It still may not be easy. May not be comfortable. But neither of those matter because what we're to do is truly a matter of life and death for those to which we have been called to serve. This mission of sharing the Gospel and our testimonies to all that God has done for us are far more important than worldly opinions, social rejection, and even physical pain.

We have to remember that we choose what we focus on. It can be either the mission that we're called to undertake as Christians, or the odds that are stacked against us in a world that seems none too interested in hearing our message and accepting God's call to repent. Just know that living in fear of what may happen will keep us from trying. It will keep us silent. It will cause us to miss out on the opportunity that we have to do something that carries eternal significance.

The world doesn't need people who fall in line and only speak what people want to hear. It doesn't need more weak-minded folks who are scared to ruffle feathers, rock boats, and hurt feelings. It doesn't need us to remain silent about the truth of sin and the call to repent because if people don't hear that message, then they can't be changed by it. If they never hear the truth then they'll take their last breath believing a lie.

Look, this world isn't going to get its act together. People aren't going to wake up tomorrow suddenly more willing to hear the truth and more open to the reality of sin. But as we can clearly see, this place needs to hear the Gospel more than ever because times are getting weird! You and I can help. We have a chance to make a difference. We have a chance to reach out to those who are lost and hurting while there is still time for them to turn to Christ and accept His eternal gift.

It's time for us to be bold. Time to stand up and share the message we've been entrusted with. It's time to stop living in fear, stop letting the pressure of this world keep us quiet, and simply do what has to be done no matter the cost or consequences. We may hurt some feelings. May gain some enemies. May not be widely accepted when we speak the truth to those who don't want to hear it. That's okay. Again, God knows how we're going to be received by those who hear what He's given us to say.

And as long as we trust in Him and refuse to back down, you can bet that He will see us through whatever may come our way. Because He knows better than all of us just how vital this message of His Gospel truly is! And He’s going to make sure that we’re able to carry that message to those He needs us to reach. This world may try, but it simply cannot stop what He has planned.


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