Day 2588 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 1:3 NIV

Whether it be jealousy, hatred, persecution, illness, injury, outside circumstance, or inner turmoil, we need to stop seeing things as a reason to complain or feel sorry for ourselves. We're going to face hard times in life. We're going to be hated by those around us. We're going to have days where it seems that everything is against us. But what if rather than seeing those challenges as something unfortunate that we don't want or need in life, what if we could see them as chances to increase our faith?

So often we look at the things we come up against and take them personally. We take the jealousy and judgement of those around us as personal attacks on us. We look at the trials and tribulations that our lives are full of and think that maybe someone somewhere doesn't want us to be happy. Taking things in life personally is nothing but the first step down this road of seeing ourselves as victims of unfortunate circumstances. It's the first step toward feeling sorry for ourselves.

But in reality, the challenges we face are evidence that God sees something in us that we have yet to see for ourselves. He sees what we can become. He sees a strength inside of us that we've never found because we've never had to look for it. That's the thing about an easy and peaceful life. On the surface it looks like exactly what we want. But when everything is easy and we can handle whatever comes our way, then we're never forced to actually have faith in something other than ourselves.

Nobody likes being uncomfortable. If we had our way, we'd never face anything hard. We'd never endure the hatred and name-calling that comes with following Christ. We'd never choose to go through dark times when nothing makes sense and everything is seeming to fall apart. If left to make our own choices, we'd choose the easiest path every single time. But the problem is that God doesn't call us to what's easy. He calls us to what brings Him glory.

Friends, an easy life free from trial and persecution is a life with no lessons to share. A faith that is never tested is a faith that will likely shatter when we're forced outside of our comfort zones. If we're not tested, then we can't find those areas that are lagging. If we're never pushed beyond what we can handle on our own, then we'll never gain any experience in walking by faith and not relying on our own abilities. If God didn't lead us onto the water, then we'd never have to trust in Him to keep us above the surface.

Don't ask God for an easy life. Don't pray away those hard times that come your way. You might be praying away the very thing that is meant to bring you closer to Him. We would all prefer a life where we're not judged by the jealousy of those around us. We would prefer a life without so much hatred and evil. We would prefer a life that we could control because it would never lead us outside of where we feel safe. But a life where we feel safe, in control, and at peace is a life that keeps us from running to the source of our safety, confidence, and provision.

We have to trust that God knows what He's doing. And we should be thankful for the things that He leads us to because He does so to make us better. Lessons are sometimes hard to learn. But we'll always be better for having learned than for avoiding it. Never settle for what's simple, comfortable, or what helps you avoid strife. Seek the things that make you better because if we're not growing and strengthening our faith, then we're probably not relying on that faith.


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