Day 2669 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 15:12 NIV

There seems to be a massive misunderstanding in our world as to what love really is. Perhaps it's one of the many things that have been sucked up in this attempt to redefine everything. Maybe it's something that's gotten lost in translation as society tries to figure out ways to be open and accepting to all. Or maybe it's just a matter of true love no longer being what people really want as love isn't always comfortable and easy and safe. But whatever the reason, it's something we definitely need to address because loving others is literally what we're called to do.

Problem is that we're not here to love as the world loves. Worldly love is all about being nice. It's all warm and fuzzy and more than willing to overlook potential issues. Worldly love is blind, crippled, weak, broken, helpless, scared, inadequate, unhelpful, uncaring, and unwilling to do and say what needs to be done and said to ensure the beneficial growth of others. You see, worldly love is this nonsensical mindset where everything is fine, everything is fair, everything is equal, everything is right, everything is acceptable.

Worldly love is the cause for so many of the sinful problems that are growing out of control in this place. It's the reason people are filled with hate. It's the cause for people continuing to live in the darkness where they feel the need to hide because they're different. It's the reason that folks judge. It's the basis for all the division that we see. And all because this world thinks it has the right to redefine what love is in order to ensure that it doesn't hurt feelings or come across as offensive and mean. This version of love that has people willing to overlook sin isn't love at all.

So what is love? Well, for that, we have to look to the Author of love. Thankfully, He's given us a perfect definition of what true love ought to be in Scripture. So let's dive in!

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 tells us that, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

Now let me ask you, is that the kind of love that we see in today's version of love? Well, not even close. These days, love is anything but any of those things mentioned above. People are not patient with those who disagree with them. They're not kind to those who speak the truth and try to warn them of the dangers of sin. They envy those who are simply comfortable living their lives without constantly seeking approval or applause. They boast about how nice and accepting they are. They literally wear the pride title like a badge of honor. They are willing to dishonor others by telling them that living in sin and deception is just fine as long as they're happy. They're self-seeking as they only do and say what brings them praise and approval. They're easily angered whenever someone speaks a message that contrasts with what they're sharing. They keep a list of everyone who ever does or says anything that they don't like or don't appreciate. Today's love not only delights in evil, but it spreads that stuff around like it's some kind of candy and does everything it can to make the truth seem harsh and uncaring. It isn't willing to protect the eternal souls or the virtues of those lost in these lies. It only trusts in what they agree with or makes them feel good about themselves. It clearly doesn't have much hope as they spend more time fighting for what they want than living as if they already have it. And when it comes to perseverance, well, modern love changes and conforms on a daily basis, so yeah, not much perseverance.

So what does that all point toward? Well, pretty clear to see that today's worldly version of love has absolutely nothing in common with the love to which we're called to share according to the truth of the Bible. And there's the rub friends! We're either going to do what the world commands us to do which means accepting anything and everything because doing anything else is just rude and hateful and mean. Or, we're going to strive to fulfill the command we have from our Lord and Savior.

We're here to love others as Christ loves us. Did He come to share a message that made us comfortable in our lives apart from Him? Does He let us get by with doing anything we please just because it pleases us? Is He willing to overlook our sins so long as we’re happy and okay with them? Is He okay with watching us drift further into the darkness toward an eternity of suffering? Is Christ willing to accept everything we ask Him to accept so that we don't have to change? Is He willing to avoid hard conversations that people won't like hearing? Is He willing to avoid the truth so that no feelings get hurt? Is He willing to let us die in our sins and selfishness so that He doesn't have to get His hands dirty or risk anything?

Well, He literally died for us, so I think it's pretty safe to say we have a crystal-clear answer. We have to be willing to do what needs to be done rather than what a fallen humanity asks us to do. We have to be willing to face hatred and persecution for trying to help. We have to be willing to be judged and ridiculed and even killed if it means maybe getting His message of repentance and salvation across to someone. We can't do any of those if we're concerned about what the world thinks of us or calls us or does to us.

Friends, the truth is that millions are lost in sin and either don't know or don't care. Now, we can't make people care because that's a personal choice that every individual has to make on their own. But we can make sure they know. We can tell them the truth we're called to share in the Gospel. We can tell them about how deadly sin really is. We can warn them about the punishment that awaits those who deny Christ. We can be willing to lay down our lives and face whatever backlash may come if it means we just may get through to someone and help save them from a lie that leads to hell.

Jesus doesn't ask us to do something He Himself wouldn't do, and He proved that on the cross. So are we picking up our cross and following His example, or are we doing as we're told and letting our fear of man keep us from loving them as He loves us? What this world thinks of love couldn't be further from what love is meant to be. Love does not settle for accepting people where they are. We are all sinners who will be more than happy to stay lost and blind to the truth, and while today's love is okay with that, we can't be because God clearly wasn’t when He sent Christ.

These days, people just want to be accepted without having to endure any change or hardship or challenge. That's not good enough, because with changing, we're going to miss out on eternal peace. And if we truly love others, we won't settle for allowing them to end up in hell just so we don't hurt their feelings with that horrendous truth that confronts the lies that our world seems to honestly believe are harmless. If we truly love others, we want the best for them and will not stop until they get there. And contrary to popular opinion, the best isn’t a life of comfort. The best is being able to see to our sins and repent of them before they land us in eternal chains with no hope of peace.

The bottom line is that Jesus calls us to love others as He loves us. Thankfully, He didn't just accept us for who we were in our broken and sinful lives. He didn’t shy away from confronting our brokenness. He didn’t run from the cross. He didn’t share messages of accepting sin, but He opened our eyes to what that kind of life leads toward and gave us His blood so that we could be reborn into His salvation. We have to stop worrying about being accepting, and maybe be a little more concerned about helping others grow in Christ rather than settling for where they are right now.

The time for wishy-washy, spineless, fearful love is over. People need the truth and we who have that truth have the responsibility to share it no matter what it may cost us. Christ was willing to give His life for us, and if we’re going to walk the walk and actually be the Christians we claim to be, then it’s time for us to boldly go where He went, right into the face of backlash and persecution. Not because it’s fun or easy, but because it saves lives. Because He did it for us, and now calls us to do it for others. Stop the comfortable accepting nonsense, and let’s start working to building each other up out of the pitiful states we’re in toward the perfect example we have in Christ!


  1. As he loved us. He loved us enough to doe for us but he lead us in the direction of salvation. Very good post.

    1. Thank you so much! I honestly think that's where so much has gone off the rails around here. His love isn't the kind to wink at our sins and ignore our shortcomings. His love desires for us to be better than the sinful people we've been, and out of His love for us, He helps us see just how far we've fallen so that we can realize how much we need to address and fix so that those sins don't keep us apart from Him any longer.


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