Day 2412 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Corinthians 7:10 NIV Lately I’ve felt this heaviness in life. It’s like this weight on my shoulders of things that I need to be doing better, doing differently, or simply not doing at all. It’s almost this sense of distress in knowing that if I don’t make a few changes and get rid of some things then I will only miss out on experiencing even more of who God made me to be and what it is that He’s calling me to do. I know that I can do better. I know that I want to do better. I know without a doubt that there are things in my life that aren’t helping me do so. And I think that’s maybe some of that Godly sorrow that this verse is talking about. I don’t know about you, but personally I haven’t found a way to turn off that tiny voice that speaks up every time I do something wrong. It sure seems like many around us have, but I still hear it. A lot! And I’m thankful for it. You see, I know that I’m about as far from perfect as anyone has ever been. But rather than live in some sort of delus...