Day 2563 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Matthew 5:17 NIV Another one of those verses that just stops you in your tracks. Or at least that's what it did to me. Don't know how many times I went back and re-read this one last night. I think there's this misconception about the Law, God's commandments, and the freedom that we have in Christ. As we talked about yesterday, we manage to twist things around to mean what we want them to mean. But that doesn't mean that we've actually changed the truth. We want freedom from responsibility. Freedom to do anything we want. Freedom to see salvation as a get-out-of-jail free card. But that's not what it is. It isn't some safety net that we should rely on to catch all of our mistakes and make them all disappear. So it's no wonder that you hear some talking about how Christ is the end of the Law. Or perhaps you'll hear them quote Romans 6:14 saying that we're no longer under the Law but under grace. Whatever the spin, it doesn't work. This ver...