Day 2382 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 41:9 NIV We've been talking about friendship and how rare it actually is in our world. It's truly sad that we've forgotten what a friend ought to be and how we should treat those that are a part of our lives. We take it all for granted and don't understand just how much we should appreciate the folks that are there for us and who are set on trying to make us better. As we discussed yesterday, too many people are only living for themselves and focused on what others can offer them. This entitled and self-serving mindset is ruining more things than we can imagine! Unfortunately, those that we call our friends aren't always deserving of that title. Sometimes they're simply people that we spend time around without ever building a true connection or the solid foundation that a friendship really needs to have. They're just acquaintances that we pick up for a time along this journey and at some point they jump off our bandwagon when we're not what they...