Day 2351 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 3:8 NIV God's gift of salvation isn't meant to give us the right to do whatever we want knowing that He will forgive us for messing up. His gift of salvation is meant to pull us off of that path of sinful and selfish living and help us learn to actually live right in His eyes. We get that backwards a lot. It's easy to see His mercy as a ticket to follow our free will without having to worry about the consequences of the wrong choices we make in doing so. I know I've fallen into that line of thinking. We all have. But we have to understand that Christ didn't die so that we could keep on sinning. That just doesn't make any sense whatsoever! He died to set us free from the punishment that our sins deserve. He took our consequences upon Himself and gave us His hard-earned rebirth in exchange. We have been given the new start that all of us seriously need. Our pasts look like a battlefield. Laden with holes and scars from all the sinful choices we've made...