Day 2535 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Psalm 119:18 NIV As much as we want life to go our way according to our desires based on our dreams toward our goals, what we truly need it God's plan. The problem is that when push comes to shove, we will instinctually revert back to what we want because it's what makes sense to us. It's harder to trust in something that we haven't considered, let alone ever dreamed was possible. We've become so used to thinking that we know best that this idea that we don't is hard to consider. When God starts to lead us away from what we've always thought was right toward something that we don't understand, it's going to be pretty tough for most of us. It's hard because it forces us to reconsider everything. It opens our eyes to the possibility that everything we've done, every choice we've made, and every priority we've had was all for naught. And it's just hard to let go of everything we've always known in exchange for something that we c...