Day 2320 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Jude 10 NIV I read through the book of Jude last night, and man, it seems like about half of it talks about things that we're seeing around us right now! People mocking faith, blaspheming God's name, running stupid with sin and debauchery, celebrating everything that's wrong and immoral, and talking trash on anyone that has the guts to stand up and say that what people are doing isn't okay. We're passing through a world that truly loves everything that's wrong. Makes it pretty easy to see why they're not going to like anyone who lives for what's right. Yesterday we talked about how this world isn't going to like us because of our faith. And that's a very good thing! This world only likes those who it agrees with, only those who do what everyone else is doing. So we would have to go along with the sinfulness that is controlling so many, and that just ain't good enough! Our goal should never be to fit in with a place that has lowered itself so ...