Day 2443 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV This faith of ours is a journey, and it's a long one. It's a life-long experience that brings with it plenty of highs and quite a few lows as well. It's a journey filled with endless opportunities to grow as well as plenty of mistakes that get made along the way. But I think some can get lost under the weight of how important this walk is. I think the seriousness of it all can begin to wear some folks thin and maybe even lead to doubts and frustrations that may create some massive stumbling blocks. The past couple of days I've been thinking back on how far Christ has brought me from who I used to be. And I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to do the same. Take a couple of minutes and think about the growth, the changes, the improvements that you've experienced in your life since finding Christ. I promise you'll be amazed at just how much He's done and how far you've come from the person you once were and the l...