Day 2017 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 6:22 NIV So we've been talking about the amazing hope and promise of an eternity in Heaven. And something hit me last night while I was praying: without Christ's freedom that hope wouldn't exist. It just wouldn't be possible. You see His selfless gift gave us the freedom to leave our sins behind and move on toward something better, something that we simply don't deserve. But I don't think we really grasp just how life-changing that kind of freedom really is. I've always been one to basically hold a grudge against myself for the things that I've done wrong. I literally still feel bad about things that I did almost 15 years ago! It's a problem, but at least I realize that. It's something that I've worked on, but I still just feel terrible about some of the things that I have said and done in my life. But when I was praying last night it dawned on me just how complete Christ's freedom is. It's not just the freedom from one or two ...