Day 1986 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 5:16 NIV If you read my post yesterday, then you probably noticed that I was pretty fired up. Guess what, still there! Please go back and check it out if you didn't see it yesterday. It was a pretty long post, but it's a pretty big problem that needs our attention. Yesterday was the what. Today's the why. We have to do better as Christians. It's honestly just as simple and straightforward as that. We have to do better because there is far too much on the line. We are not here to win petty arguments or do nothing but voice our own opinions. We're here to win souls and share the truths given to us by our Lord and Savior. Now if you can't tell or aren't sure, there's a huge difference between those two. Sadly, it seems as though there are a few folks calling themselves Christians who are more worried about winning arguments and stirring the pot than doing their part to point others to Christ. So again, we have to do better. What we need to always ke...