Day 2078 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 16:8 NIV Distractions. Confusion. Gullibility. Peer pressure. Acceptance. So many things in life pull us away from God. And the more we're focused on all these other things the more off balance we're going to feel. It really only makes sense. When you're bouncing from one thing to another all the time, it's going to be nearly impossible to find any kind of peace or solidity in life. Thankfully, we actually have a voice in what occupies our focus and attention. I've found it really strange the past week or so, but I've really felt this pull in my life. I've felt God pulling me to go deeper into faith. I've felt this need to turn my focus away from most of the things going on around me and give Him everything I can. I'm becoming less and less interested in the way the world is going, and more interested in setting my mind on things above. This year has brought about so much uncertainty and so much change. And all of that upheaval has left all of ...