Day 2259 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV I'm a pretty visual person. I usually find myself just sitting around watching the world and taking notes. Don't talk all that much, hardly at all depending on who you ask. I try to listen as much as I can because I know that people need to know that someone cares about them and what they're going through. But I gain most of my information with my eyes. So this verse is one that really hits home for me personally because it calls me to go in a direction that I don't normally go. It reminds me that our faith isn't one of comfort but of trust. We've talked a lot about not fitting in and not being dragged away from God by the world around us. Yesterday we discussed how bad company corrupts good morals and how we need to walk away and stay away from the things that will pull us in the wrong direction. That's scary for many. We're hesitant to walk away from what we know or what's comfortable because we know what we have. Even if it...