Day 2198 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 1:8 NIV I'm telling you, we have to stop limiting who we are in our faith. This world likes to keep people down by convincing them that they're small. We've all been told that we're too weak, too messed up, too unimportant to ever make a difference. But the opinions of this place cannot alter what God says about us. And as this verse points out, He created us to be a part of something massive! We've all been there and that thought of giving up before we even get started. We think, "How can I possibly make a difference? Why should I even try?" Well, because God thinks we can do it. In fact He knows we can do it. He created us to do it! He designed us to be His hands and feet down here. He built us to carry His love and compassion to those around us. So if He doesn't doubt us then we should stop doubting ourselves! The truth is that it's not about us. It's not about our capabilities. Our impact isn't reliant upon our strength, knowledge,...