Day 2139 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Deuteronomy 1:31 NIV We've made it. Worn, weary, scared, and more than ready to move on, but we've made it. For many of us this past year will serve as a memory of just how wrong life can go sometimes. It will live in our minds as this time when life changed in many ways. But it should also be remembered as a perfect example of how faithful God really is. He got us through this and we shouldn't forget that! I've spent the past couple of days looking back and thinking about some of the things that we've seen and faced this year. It's hard to put into words everything we've felt these past months. It's hard to wrap our minds around everything that's happened. Like I said this past year has changed things for many people. And to be honest that may be a very good thing! For me personally I look back and see all the times that God kept me going when everything was seeming to crash in on me. I see all the moments that He took my hand and led me through the...