Day 2229 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Timothy 2:15 NIV We've been discussing our inability to be perfect and how that shouldn't be our goal anyway. Jesus paid the price that our sins charged up and His love for us doesn't change just because we still make mistakes here and there. So working to gain His approval and acceptance is just foolish. As I said yesterday, He has already shown how much He loves us so why feel the need to work for something we have? Since we have all this free time now that we don't have to work for something He's already given us, maybe we can get to work doing what He actually calls us to do. You see, if we're going to work at something it should be something that does more than swell our pride or make us feel better about ourselves. It should be something that helps others. Maybe something that can make a difference that is bigger than just our lives alone. Maybe we can use our time to tell others about Jesus. Instead of working to gain His love we can spend that energy s...